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Southern Geospatial Services, PLLC
124 Salem Towne Court Suite B
Apex, NC 27502-2311

NCBELS Firm License P-1373



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Utility Infrastructure GPS/GIS Inventory Mapping and Consulting Services

SGS can assist with utility infrastructure mapping for municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) operators, municipal public power/electric cooperative power providers, and municipal water service providers. SGS has extensive experience with utility infrastructure mapping and can pair GPS locating with GIS geodatabase design to facilitate all utility provider GIS mapping needs. The utility can choose to have a protocol designed by SGS for in house mapping, or the utility can choose to hire SGS to handle the entire utility mapping project.

SGS can consult with a utility provider to design and implement a customized in house mapping protocol. SGS would construct a geodatabase and all files necessary for GPS data collection. As detailed on the GIS data model (geodatabase) development services page, SGS will sit down with the utility provider to understand exactly what features the utility wants mapped and what information they want collected for these features. These discussions will be used to design a customized GPS field data collection protocol for capturing all relevant features and attributes for populating the geodatabase. SGS can provide guidance with hardware and software purchases or even handle the details of these purchases for the utility.

With the mapping protocol designed and the necessary equipment in place, SGS can provide training and standard operating procedure (SOP) documents so that the utility can create their own GIS utility map. SGS training and SOP's will include processes for managing maintenance of the GIS utility map when the utility has been completely mapped as infrastructure is added or altered.

Alternatively, a utility provider can hire SGS to map and maintain the GIS utility map. SGS can map the utility, and once the utility has been completely mapped SGS can implement a utility maintenance protocol whereby utility expansion and infrastructure reconfiguration efforts are incorporated into the GIS utility map on a quarterly basis or at whatever frequency fits the interests of the utility provider.

For all utility providers, a GIS provides countless capabilities. Examples include the ability to query infrastructure information anywhere in the utility from the office, perform electric utility conductor length calculations or visually examine load distributions in map form, easily arrive at counts for infrastructure features such as Best Management Practices in a storm water utility, or simply create visualizations and maps of the utility for communicating with staff or adding to service orders. Depending on the interests and budget of the utility, mobile solutions are possible where workers in the field can have the same capacity to query the GIS utility map as a manager at the office.

GIS utility maps can be as complex or as simple as desired by the utility managers. For example, an electric utility geodatabase can be as simple as a basic informational infrastructure map or as complex as a geodatabase designed to communicate with engineering analysis software programs to help electric utility providers comply with National Electric Safety Code regulations. Read the project experience description Electric Utility Infrastructure GIS Basemap Development to learn more about how SGS customized a geodatabase for interfacing the GIS via export with the Milsoft Utility Solutions engineering analysis program WindMil.

MS4 operators must satisfy NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program requirements if designated. Regulations require "Complete identification, locations of and mapping of stormwater drainage system components. At a minimum, mapping components include outfalls, drainage areas and receiving streams." A stormwater GIS utility map is a critical aspect of developing and maintaining an overall stormwater management plan, and represents a huge improvement over reliance on incomplete paper maps.


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